Hybrid meeting rooms are one of the best ways to handle mixed in-person/remote conferences, while providing a great experience to all your staff. A well-appointed hybrid meeting room has all the remote work tools and current technology you need, along with great amenities such as free beverages for your staff.

NorthPoint Executive Suites leads the way in providing rental hybrid work environments in Georgia, and we want you to have the best experience possible during hybrid meetings. Here are a few tips!

DO: Verify the technology setup beforehand. 

Whenever renting a hybrid meeting room, you’ll have plenty of tech on offer – but every company and meeting has its own needs. Check out the room’s layout, arrangement, and technology deployment well before the meeting so that you can make any necessary changes to fit your needs.

Likewise, if possible, know what technology your attendees will be using, such as devices and OSes. Then you can be certain all your remote work tools are compatible with their hardware.

DON’T: Rely on a single camera.

Generally speaking, you’ll want at least two cameras present in a hybrid meeting: one which shows the full room and its attendees, and another focused on the primary presenter or moderator. This allows remote attendees to get the full experience.

DO: Use a virtual whiteboard app.

If your meeting involves brainstorming or sharing ideas, a virtual whiteboard app is the best solution. This ensures remote attendees can see everything, and be able to easily contribute their own ideas. Relying on a physical whiteboard will significantly reduce the remote attendees’ experience.

DON’T: Prevent people from turning the camera off

While this is a somewhat controversial topic, in our experience, remote workers will be more comfortable in a virtual meeting if they have the option to turn the camera off. Research has also confirmed this, showing that many workers are can become more stressed and distracted if they’re forced to remain on-camera for long periods. Let workers decide for themselves how they appear at the meeting.

DO: Be mindful of the time

When renting a hybrid meeting room, be aware there will likely be others waiting to use the room after you. Keep the meeting under control, and don’t allow it to run over the allotted time. No one wants their meeting interrupted by a request to vacate the room.

NorthPoint Executive Suites offers luxurious office solutions, from private rooms to hybrid meeting rooms full of cutting-edge remote work tools. Contact us to book a tour!