If you own a business, chances are you are already engaged in digital marketing to some extent. The tools, strategies, and trends in the digital marketing arena offer an array of opportunities to reach and engage with consumers.
If you own a business, chances are you are already engaged in digital marketing to some extent. The tools, strategies, and trends in the digital marketing arena offer an array of opportunities to reach and engage with consumers.
Leading a business or organization means guiding people to work together toward a unifying mission. A leader that is singularly focused on one path to reach their goal can miss a lot of opportunities and create a misaligned and perhaps resentful employee base. To lead most effectively, good leaders should reorient themselves away from their gut reaction and challenge their inner thoughts.
Simply put, good customer service increases sales and profits. In a Harvard Business Review study, customers with a positive service experience spent 140% more than those with poor experiences in transaction-based businesses; and in subscription-based businesses, 73% of those with positive customer service experiences subscribed for over a year, compared to 43% who rated their customer services poorly.
When you go into business, having a partner is helpful because they can provide a second set of eyes and experiences with which to make solid decisions. Choosing the right partner can make the difference between a successful venture and a failed one.
The role of an entrepreneur is to find solutions to problems, as opposed to being the solution. Finding the right people solves a lot of problems, including ones you may not initially see. Hire the best people, and they will continue the trend of hiring great people.
One of the best moments in your small business is when you grow beyond simply using your den or basement and rent office space. But keep these things in mind as you make the move into your new space…
While you are responsible for every facet of your growing business, your money is your top priority. With this in mind, we wanted to talk about some effective tools to assist you in all phases of your business, from tracking your expenses to making sales:
A good law firm can provide vital assistance in nearly every aspect of your small business. Copyright and trademark, zoning compliance, incorporation, liability, and lawsuits are only a few of the ways law firms are critical to your success.
Silicon Valley’s startup culture has a saying: fail fast and fail often. Those startups believe you should learn how failure can be a blessing in disguise by mining the lesson in each failure for future growth and expansion.
What separates the high achievers from the also-ran? We looked to prominent figures, past and present, for their perspectives on success and how ordinary people can use those lessons in their own lives.