Robots have come a long way since they were introduced in literature over a century ago. Now they participate in real life HR departments to help with recruiting. Here are some of the many ways artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the hiring process.

Eliminating Human Bias

One of the most important contributions that AI gives HR departments is taking human bias out of hiring. Machine learning has become a more reliable solution since algorithms can be programmed to prioritize data on candidates to automatically avoid discrimination based on gender, race and other sensitive identity factors.

AI-Driven Screening Tools

Various AI-based screening tools are now available to narrow down finalists through a ranking system. A financial advantage to these screening tools is they cut screening costs by 75 percent.

It’s generally difficult for companies to fill openings with ideal candidates, but algorithms speed up the process by searching through online resumes. This solution is exponentially more efficient than the traditional HR method of spending up to 40 percent of recruiting time searching through resumes and tranferring data to a computer program.

Automated tools such as recruiter chatbots interact with candidates online to answer questions, collect information and conduct tests. These real-time chatbots find out if the candidate meets enterprise requirements then predict how likely the candidate will be an appropriate fit. Scraping tools are useful for gathering data from the applicant’s social media profiles.

Scheduling and Reviewing Interviews

Chatbots are able to take your list of finalists and schedule video interviews. After you conduct the interview, AI software analyzes the audio and video then scores the candidate’s vocal tone and facial expressions.

Onboarding Process

Since background checks are often tedious, repetitive and time-consuming, automation can speed up this process. It gives the recruiter more time to focus on tasks computers can’t do, such as meet with candidates in person. AI further provides new hires with essential printed orientation materials such as company forms, policy documents and log-in credentials. Ultimately, the software can track when new employees read and physically or electronically sign documents.

Due to the effectiveness of automation for finding the best job applicants, this modern digital method of recruiting will likely continue gaining favor among businesses in the next several years.